Agile Customer Research and Data-Driven Decision Making

Master the art of integrating customer feedback into your Agile workflow. Learn how to rapidly gather, analyze, and act on customer insights to create products that truly resonate.
uncover insights, drive Innovation
Over 100,000 students taught
Thousands of 5 star reviews
AI-enhanced learning
10 languages
3 hours of content
Welcome to
"agile customer research":
unleash insights,
forge innovation
This course is for you if...
  • are a Product Owner, Product Manager, or Business Owner
    aiming to deepen your understanding of customer needs and drive superior business outcomes through informed product decisions
  •'re part of a product development team
    seeking to integrate customer research into your Agile processes, ensuring that every feature and update is aligned with real user demands
  • aspire to become a Product Owner or Agile Coach,
    and recognize the importance of customer research as a cornerstone of successful product development in an Agile framework
  •'re a startup owner
    committed to building products that not only meet market needs but become beloved staples for your customers, leveraging insights to guide your development journey
  •'re involved in any aspect of product strategy or development
    and want to master customer research to make data-driven decisions that enhance user satisfaction and business success
What's included:
3 hours of on-demand video
with English subtitles and transcripts
AI Assisstant*
Get professional help and answers to all your questions. Immediately. In any language.
*ChatGPT+ subscription required
10 languages
🇬🇧English, 🇫🇷French, 🇩🇪German, 🇮🇳Hindi, 🇰🇷Korean, 🇵🇹Portuguese, 🇷🇺Russian, 🇻🇳Simplified Chinese, 🇪🇸Spanish, 🇺🇦Ukrainian
Receive a certificate of completion and LinkedIn skills endorsement
Unlimited access
Access the materials anytime, anywhere, from any device
14 days money back guarantee
Your ultimate satisfaction, or get your money back
What you will learn:
  • Essentials of research:

    Delve into qualitative and quantitative research methodologies

  • Hypothesis mastery

    Understand how to formulate and test null and alternative hypotheses effectively

  • Customer insight techniques

    Master customer interviews, persona creation, and customer journey mapping

  • Statistics and analysis

    Develop skills in statistical analysis, confidence intervals, and population estimates

  • Usability testing expertise

    Learn to conduct A/B tests, MVP designs, and differentiate MVPs from prototypes

  • Real-world application

    Apply your skills in practical scenarios using Miro for hands-on experience

  • Practical data interpretation

    Learn to interpret data accurately for informed decision-making

  • Effective interviewing skills

    Gain expertise in conducting insightful customer interviews

  • Persona development

    Craft detailed customer personas for targeted marketing strategies

  • Vision crafting

    Learn to develop a clear and compelling product vision

  • Strategic MVP design

    Understand how to create impactful MVPs for market testing

  • A/B testing techniques

    Master the nuances of A/B testing for product optimization
Aro Sandman
Data-Driven Customer Research provides a clear roadmap for harnessing the potential of data to drive business success. A must-have resource for modern businesses.
Pamela Sue
Practical and Applicable! I learned not just the theory but also how to implement these strategies in real business scenarios
Bob Procter
The course was extremely well-structured and captivating.
Joe logan
As a business owner, I've realized the importance of customer research. This course is a fantastic guide, packed with actionable strategies that can drive success and growth.
Madhulika Das
It is a gem for entrepreneurs and marketers. It simplifies the complex process of customer research and empowers you to make smarter, data-backed decisions.
Course curriculum
1. About this course
2. Resources and tools you will need
3. How to make the most out of this course
Hi, I'm Masha Ostroumova
As a seasoned Agile expert with a deep-rooted passion for fostering healthy, motivated teams, my mission is to empower organizations and leaders to embrace Agile ways of working. With a rich background that spans from Agile practitioner to Enterprise Agile Coach, my journey includes transforming numerous teams into customer-focused and outcome-oriented units.

At the helm of Agile Apothecary, and with prior experience at Rakuten, Indeed and McKinsey, I specialize in guiding large-scale Agile transformations. My dedication extends beyond practice; as a best-selling instructor, I've connected with over 90,000 students around the world, achieving a stellar average rating. More than numbers, my drive stems from making a tangible difference in people's professional lives.
Choose your plan
  • 5 hours of on-demand content
  • Subtitles in English
  • Downloadable materials
  • AI course assistant*1
  • Certificate of completion
  • LinkedIn skills endorsement
  • Free e-book
  • Study buddy*2
  • 30 minutes coaching call
  • Access to ALL Agile Apothecary courses
14-day money-back guarantee
If you aren't completely satisfied with Agile Customer Research course, let us know within the first 14 days for a full refund.
*1 AI Assistant requires ChatGPT+ subscription
For quick learners
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Any course, any time!
*2 Regular email reminders and knowledge checks
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1 month access
  • 5 hours of on-demand content
  • Subtitles in English
  • Downloadable materials
  • AI course assistant*1
  • Certificate of completion
  • LinkedIn skills endorsement
  • Free e-book
  • Study buddy*2
  • 30 minutes coaching call
  • Access to ALL Agile Apothecary courses
1 year access
  • 5 hours of on-demand content
  • Subtitles in English
  • Downloadable materials
  • AI course assistant*1
  • Certificate of completion
  • LinkedIn skills endorsement
  • Free e-book
  • Study buddy*2
  • 30 minutes coaching call
  • Access to ALL Agile Apothecary courses
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