Now that we’re clear on the mindset, it’s time to look deeper into the elements that Agile consists of. Sure, you can start with just the mindset and figure out how to apply it to your work on your own, but why reinvent the wheel when there are already some great tools out there?
First, we have
frameworks as the largest elements of Agility. Scrum, Kanban, LeSS, SAFe, and many others provide structured approaches to implementing Agile principles. You can get a fancy official certification in any of these frameworks, but the truth is, you don’t need it to apply them to your work. It’s also perfectly fine to combine elements of different frameworks—just as long as you know what you’re doing.
Inside each framework, you’ll usually find its own subset of principles, which build on top of Agile principles, complementing but not replacing them. Then, there are elements like
roles (some frameworks, like Scrum or SAFe, are very particular about roles, while others, like Kanban, leave roles up to you),
practices (which can be daily processes like Sprint Review or specific approaches to work like Pair Programming), and
artifacts (like a Sprint Backlog or Definition of Done).
Apart from that, we also have
tools that are typically not prescribed by a framework but really help us manage our work—things like Trello,
Miro, and others.
In order to be Agile, you don’t need to use any of these frameworks or tools. And conversely, using these frameworks and tools won’t magically make you Agile. Although, sometimes “fake it till you make it” does work. The mindset and values are more important than anything else.
This is why I dislike the term “Agile methodology,” and I steer clear of using it in my materials. Agile is not a methodology! It doesn’t tell you what to do or how to do it; it simply helps you focus on the right priorities.